Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Secret sorrows

I really admire those who can put up their entire life online... I mean, granted you can be anonymous for as long as you please, but secrets have a way of outing, don't they? Me, I can put much of life out there... maybe more than the average person but even I cannot bare my soul entirely; you know, open that last secret safe door in your heart that nobody has ever entered, and where you don't go too much either. Sharing joys, ups and downs and even a couple of secrets is okay with me, but what goes on in the deepest recess of my mind belongs only to me. In a conversation with Abhi today, I found myself inexplicably tearing up over some imagined slight that tugged at deep-rooted hurts. Abhi was aghast; he had no idea why I was upset (this wasn't the usual 'clueless men' thing; we were just chatting on mundane things). But some of it is impossible to tell, or even articulate. Especially when you are so out of touch with yourself that even you are not quite sure what lies beneath.

1 comment:

Rohini said...

I can quite identify with this poast, especially that last line of yours :)

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Secret sorrows

I really admire those who can put up their entire life online... I mean, granted you can be anonymous for as long as you please, but secrets have a way of outing, don't they? Me, I can put much of life out there... maybe more than the average person but even I cannot bare my soul entirely; you know, open that last secret safe door in your heart that nobody has ever entered, and where you don't go too much either. Sharing joys, ups and downs and even a couple of secrets is okay with me, but what goes on in the deepest recess of my mind belongs only to me. In a conversation with Abhi today, I found myself inexplicably tearing up over some imagined slight that tugged at deep-rooted hurts. Abhi was aghast; he had no idea why I was upset (this wasn't the usual 'clueless men' thing; we were just chatting on mundane things). But some of it is impossible to tell, or even articulate. Especially when you are so out of touch with yourself that even you are not quite sure what lies beneath.

1 comment:

Rohini said...

I can quite identify with this poast, especially that last line of yours :)