Who I am, who I was,
Who I try to be,
We lie entangled in a mess.
Damnit, says Was,
Won't you learn from me?
I can save you.
WillBe chuckles,
Discreetly pulls her leg
From the chaos of egos.
Am stays quiet, as ever.
Both Was and WillBe
Shake their heads at her.
She has a plan, though.
Sweet, quiet Am,
Her head full of technicolour ideas.
She is bruised now, a misstep that hurt.
But that will be Was's burden hence.
Am is evolving. WillBe taps her foot.
I can't take both of you along,
Says Am, rising like a sea goddess
Fluid, almost terrifyingly radiant.
You will be hurt
All over again, warns Was,
Shielding her eyes.
For once in her life,
WillBe is clueless,
Agape, wondering.
But I can take parts of you both,
Says Am, reaching out,
Picking the pieces she holds dear.
Was and WillBe writhe
And gasp for air
Engulfed in Am's relentless, vivid waves.
It's always been me, says Am,
Rising to fullness,
Her Self reflected in the aura around her.